Vita - Stations of my professional path

In my current professional being, several paths of experience combine to form a self as an intuitive researcher and conscious consciousness teacher. This includes a thorough education in various methods and through various institutions of our formal structure of the world, which continues to be of great importance to me. I have had unusual experiences that lead me to unusual insights, and I am willing to review them based on this formal structure of the world and offer them for review by others. 


What is described on this page is part of my functional persona. I have learned from my own experience as well as from research in life stories of spiritually very mature people that even in far-reaching spiritual processes or consciousness development processes, it is necessary to maintain a functional persona in this relative world, and that an ego dissolution that is not moderated and not consciously held can lead to just the opposite of a very mature consciousness: Disorientation, dysfunctionality and increasing dissolution of everyday consciousness - even in spiritually very advanced people. Keeping and strengthening my persona in certain contexts seems to me a relevant step for a healthy transpersonal development.

Academic and other formal education

  • Preclinical medical studies, University of Göttingen
  • University diploma in educational sciences, 1997, University of Göttingen
  • Person-centered counselor, 2000, Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Gesprächsführung
  • Gerontologist, M.Sc., 2011, University of Erlangen
  • Integral Coach, Coaching Center Berlin, 2014

Areas of focus of my previous work as a self-employed gerontologist and adult education specialist

  • Clinical supervisor in geropsychiatric care
  • Lecturer in long-term care facilities and at universities, academies and nursing colleges
  • Coach in the field of consciousness and adult development
  • Coach in the field of dementia
  • Management consultant on issues of aging and dementia
  • Communication trainer, facilitator & leadership trainer 
  • Independent researcher with research interests in aging, consciousness & dementia
  • Scientific author and reviewer


  • Beshara Magazine (2023): An Integral Approach to Dementia: Gerontologist Bettina Wichers talks about her holistic understanding of this widespread disease of old age. Beshara Magazine
  • Author collective (2023): Alltagsbegleitung. Betreuung von Menschen mit Demenz in der Altenhilfe. 2. Aufl., Braunschweig: Westermann. (Kapitel u.a. über Kommunikation, Demenz.)
  • Wagner, Remigius; Wichers, Bettina (2022): Sexuelle Entwicklung im Alter und das Potenzial sexueller Bildung für Senior*innen. In: Böhm, M.; Kopitzke, E.; Herrath, F.; Siebert, U. (Hrsg.): Praxishandbuch Sexuelle Bildung im Erwachsenenalter. Weinheim: Beltz
  • Wichers, Bettina (2021b). Developmental perspectives on dementia and geropsychiatric care. In STAGES Insider Issue, 3.

  • Wichers, Bettina (2018): Sexualisierte Gewalt in stationären Altenhilfeeinrichtungen. In: Retkowski, A.; Treibel, A.; Tuider E. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Sexualisierte Gewalt und pädagogische Kontexte. Weinheim: Beltz.
  • My reviews - within ten years I have reviewed 35 textbooks for (all in German):

Personal development in professional context

  • Continuous further education (professional, didactic-methodical, linguistic, self-reflexive, body-oriented, tantric, knowledge-expanding, consciousness-expanding) in organized as well as free learning contexts, continuous professional as well as consciousness-related reading as well as several therapeutic processes, scorings in different development models, collegial intervision and own supervision were and are part of my development process.
  • 18 years of life as a professionally independent working single mother have also shaped me in a very special way.
  • In addition to an untameable epistemological research urge, which took me beyond the limits of personal existential experience, I have a slight penchant for adventure, which I lived out together with my joy of movement and the need to be in nature, mostly while traveling by bike in my life so far - a form of active meditation, which allowed me healing time-outs from my professional activities.