Friday 29th at 5 pm CET I will have a second talk with Jim Garrison at Humanity Rising live on Youtube about Aging in Times of Collective Crisis, inspired by my article "Is conscious self-dissolution the evolutionary potential of ageing?"
"At the moment, humanity is in a collective state of dementia, disorientated, confused, full of anxiety, shame, fear, trauma reactivation - as discussed in spiritual traditions, we are in the possible final state of the Kali Yuga, which could be understood as a collective, cosmic dementia process, a collective forgetting of the divine nature of this existence and thus a regression into an ever more constricted, pre- personal collective consciousness that is no longer able to utilise the gifts of (collective) personal consciousness, the mind, the ability to communicate and resolve conflict, the ability to not only endure complexity and ambiguity but to embrace it, to witness it, full of compassion for oneself and the whole of existence. This would/will be the energy that will lead us, humanity, into the transpersonal. As older people, we play an important role in this context, and in this respect we remain responsible for the development of our consciousness even in old age. No one can take this task away from us, and our immediate environment as well as the collective consciousness itself depends on us to fulfil this task until the last moment, to be responsible citizens, elders, grandparents, role models, peacemakers, until our lives, the creative impulse interwoven within us, are fulfilled, to make the final contribution to solving the crisis of our time: letting go."