My talk at Humanity Rising on Oct. 17th, 5 pm CET: Dementia and the dissolution of the self

On Wednesday, 17th Oct., 5 pm CET I will talk at Humanity Rising about my dementia research and my own process in this context: 


"Is it a biomedical process or the embodiment of a long-term process of increasing self-dissolution, as I understand it. The older we get, the more often we can fall into prolonged states of confusion or disorientation, the cause of which does not have to be primarily physical, but can result from an increasing disorientation in our own being. In addition to the approaching end of life, triggers can be unprocessed challenging life experiences, unresolved shadow issues, but also repressed extraordinary consciousness experiences that cause a temporary or permanent dissolution of previous ideas about the self and the world. This self-dissolution, even if experienced only for moments, can, as is known from numerous reports of spiritually transformative experiences, have long-term, incredibly confusing and frightening consequences. However, such experiences have not yet been considered in the context of dementia. I hypothesise that advanced dementia may be an increasing embodiment of unconscious or unacknowledged and unintegrated self-dissolution, and that the physical symptoms attributed to dementia may, from this perspective, be considered a consequence rather than a cause of the phenomenon we call dementia. From this perspective, aging represents a crossroads between a pre-personal development, in which confusion and disorientation about one's own existence are increasingly shifted inwards and ultimately lead to an embodiment of disorientation – dementia – and a transpersonal development in which a temporary, age-related confusion about one's own existence and the world itself can be steered in a transpersonal direction, in an increasing self-transcendence up to a conscious self-dissolution. I see the realisation of cosmic or unified consciousness as an evolutionary task of aging."


It ill be broadcast live on Youtube.

For access to the Zoom panel and be part of the discussion you have to register here.